June 2022 Project Status Roundup

Hello June 2022!

We're waiting for this cool stuff to arrive so we can ship it to you! Here is where our funded projects currently are in the production and shipping process!

Topato Plush and Oglaf Plushes: In production. Should finish mid-June, ship late June, and arrive and ship in mid-August.

Back Book 3 and I Found a Bracelet Puzzle: En route to us as of May 23. Should arrive at the end of June and ship in early July.

Mission to Zyxx Soundtrack: Production scheduled, still not firm on arrival date but we are currently looking at shipping those out in January 2023.

When we get closer to receiving the shipments and shipping your orders we will email you to make sure your shipping address has changed. Apart from that, we're just waiting for to the process to do its thing. If you have any questions please email us at go@topatoco.com or on Twitter!

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